Automatische achterstelling van aandeelhoudersleningen: biedt het WVV een antwoord op sommige discussies?
CJEU: Belgian systems for the recognition of dockworkers partially violates EU law
Flexibilisation of judicial reorganisation: a useful tool or a vain attempt to support enterprises in times of crisis?
Niet-concurrentieverbintenis van vennootschapsbestuurders
Recht op inzage en kopie van de werknemer: hoe reageren als werkgever?
State aid in times of Covid-19
Contracting with European Institutions: legal issues and practical tips
Legal Entity Management: Beyond Compliance
Cybersecurity Insights for Company Lawyers: Lessons Learned from the Latest Major Hacks
Covid-19 en vaccinatie van werknemers: wat kan en mag?
New Collective Bargaining Agreement on Telework during COVID-19 pandemic
New Rules on Remote General Meetings Held Using an Electronic Means of Communication
Antitrust in 2021: is your business prepared for a tougher enforcement environment?
Why the general counsel should care about regulatory compliance software
The European Commission unveils proposals for a digital services act and a digital markets act
Brexit: impact voor werkgevers