Antitrust in 2021: is your business prepared for a tougher enforcement environment?

Antitrust policy and enforcement is now mainstream news: it is front and centre in discussions about large tech players and digital markets; it is a core issue in the debate on sustainability; and it remains a key consideration in global trade negotiations.

Antitrust policy and enforcement is now mainstream news: it is front and centre in discussions about large tech players and digital markets; it is a core issue in the debate on sustainability; and it remains a key consideration in global trade negotiations.

From increased enforcement risk in certain sectors, to the strengthening of foreign investment regimes and a focus on how antitrust can further sustainability, this Freshfields podcast explains why a sophisticated understanding of the global antitrust environment is more important than ever. 

To listen to the podcast, click here.

For additional reading on the antitrust landscape, visit our Antitrust 10 key themes website.

If you have any questions please get in touch with our Belgian antitrust partners Thomas JanssensLaurent Garzaniti or Tone Oeyen, or with your usual Freshfields contact.

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