Het elektronisch ondertekenen en bewaren van arbeidsovereenkomsten
Legal Operations als uw rechterhand
Trendspotting: aligning corporate structures with HR needs (why larger companies are considering  splitting up into smaller legal entities)
Court of Cassation calls into question the enforceability of the right to collective action in the European Social Charter
Studienamiddag TBH (Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht) – Recht en duurzaamheid
De aandeelhoudersovereenkomst – model
Discrimination in the workplace anno 2022: How recent legislation and case law affects you and your company
De resultaatsbonus in beperkte mate bijgestuurd
What do you need to know about the new Belgian Labour Deal?
Klokkenluiders: welke bescherming? Welke verplichtingen voor de werkgever?
Abuse of economic dependence: abuse, but not as we know it
Trade Defence Instruments for European producers: the AD questionnaire
Labour tribunal accepts urgent dismissal for not wearing face mask (correctly) and not respecting social distancing
Praktische commentaar bij de reglementering van de overheidsopdrachten
Pandemic, energy crisis, shortage of raw materials: your costs are increasing – how can you pass them on in your ongoing private and public contracts?