Amendment of the Chain Liability Regulations for illegal employment of third-country nationals in the Flemish Region
Legal Agility: Drive change in your Legal Department
Surely the Kids are Safe? – What the European Commission’s Updated Guidance Says About Joint Venture Agreements
Renovatie van onroerende goederen: met welke aandachtspunten houd je best rekening?
Looking ahead to belgian employment law in 2024
Powering change: Navigating the EU Batteries Regulation
It’s Not Easy Being Green: The European Commission’s New Guidance On Sustainability Agreements
Wachtdienst met sterke restricties voor de werknemer vormt arbeidstijd
Agreement on an expanded European legal framework for electronic authentication: Digital Identity Wallets are coming!
Witwaspreventie: kent u de verplichtingen voor uw kantoor?
Client alert – Bancassurance – New restrictions on bundled sales of mortgage loans and insurance products
What will the Data Act mean for you?  Impact on Data Sharing, Data Sharing Agreements and Cloud Services
New Federal Learning Account: obligation to register professional training in 2024
Time to get ready for the EU Pay Transparency Directive!
The EU CBAM Transitional Period Begins: A Practical Guide for EU Importers
Risk Based Approach in New European AI Act