Belgium: Changes to reductions in social security contributions for first hires as of 2024 )
Belgian Data Protection Authority publishes checklist on the correct use of cookies and similar technologies
European Data Protection Supervisor Releases New Opinion on the EU’s Proposed AI Act
Examples of When To Notify Data Breaches
Geschillenregeling in vennootschappen: de specifieke situatie van wederzijdse vorderingen tot uitsluiting
Secondary use of data for AI: which law applies?
Time for action – EBA Guidelines on Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions have been applicable since 2 October 2023
Implementation of IPA 2023−2024: reintroduction of relance hours and extension of the one-off innovation premium
Report - The Legisway Benchmark for Legal Departments
EU: State of the Union - New rules for the European Works Councils?
The Foreign Subsidies Regulation in public procurement – (not just) another tool in the toolbox - up-date
The restructuring expert: The new kid on the block
Reforming the union customs code: a proposal from the European Commission towards harmonizing European Union customs digitalization
The (Re-) Integration of 50-Plus Individuals in the Legal Job Market: Some Recommendations
Legal Operations on the Rise
Belgium's first-ever hydrogen law: three key insights