Double discrimination = double compensation. Diversity & Inclusion at the recruitment phase
Employee Privacy Rights in Belgium: Are You Ready?
Webinar 6/12 | Challenges and opportunities for Legal Counsels: facts, figures and your approach
EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – Eureka?
Covid-19: the return of mandatory remote work
Why all companies should care about the UN's cybersecurity & software update regulations – lessons for all sectors
Upcoming changes in Belgian employment law
Deadline for Transposition of the EU Whistleblowing Directive Fast Approaching
Implementing Legal Technology: Think Big, Start small, Act now
Future of Work: don’t forget the corporate income tax  consequences!
Working remotely from or a business trip to a third country
ESG: an introduction to the European framework and recent initiatives in Belgium
The use of biometric data by employers
CJEU accepts employer’s prohibition of religious signs in the workplace, if based on a genuine need
Shell-shocked: the rise of sustainable due diligence
Back to normal - Key points when introducing/increasing telework after COVID-19