Constitutional Court does not allow the infinite use of successive short term employment contracts and replacement contracts
Cybersecurity Insights for Company Lawyers: Should You Tell Anyone That You Have Been Hacked?
Class and mass claims challenges by Freshfields: Exploring jurisdiction and sector risks and trends
European Commission policy change: transactions below merger filing thresholds no longer safe from scrutiny
CLOC – 2021 State of the Industry Survey
Could your trade mark be invalidated for bad faith?
Privacy Regulations in the Context of an M&A Process
Will the 6pct VAT rate for the demolition and reconstruction achieve its objectives?
Has the Prohibition on Abuse of Economic Dependence Lived Up to Expectations?
Directors’ Liability
Restructuring and transfer of business in times of covid-19 (2)
Restructuring and transfer of business in times of covid-19
MCC @ Deloitte Legal: Mediation – Communication – Coaching
CJEU: Belgian systems for the recognition of dockworkers partially violates EU law
Flexibilisation of judicial reorganisation: a useful tool or a vain attempt to support enterprises in times of crisis?
State aid in times of Covid-19