Webinar 6/12 | Challenges and opportunities for Legal Counsels: facts, figures and your approach

Webinar 6/12 | Challenges and opportunities for Legal Counsels: facts, figures and your

The dynamic changes that new solutions have brought to the workplace have enabled the reality of the legal professional to change considerably. They show potential for much more to come. By removing repetitive tasks, limiting human errors, and increasing collaboration possibilities, the increasing introduction of legal technology has been enabling us to work more flexibly and efficiently, providing more value to the business. It has given corporate lawyers the potential to transforming the profession into a proactive position.

Challenges of the pandemic result in accelerated digitalization

As the legal profession has been undergoing a digitalization transformation over the last decade, including new technology and solutions, the onset of the pandemic put the digital capabilities of legal departments to the test. Online collaboration processes, digital repositories and much more saw widespread implementation within legal departments. The new normal made clear that legal technology is here to stay. How are legal departments responding to these active challenges? Where is the legal profession heading and what will be the role of an extensive digitalization?

Changed client – firm relationships

Legal departments are increasingly pressured to do more with limited resources. Technology solutions are becoming more important as means for achieving this, both within legal departments and at the firms they work with. Legal departments use multiple criteria to evaluate law firms, and technology is becoming increasingly important. Within 3 years, 91% of legal departments will ask law firms to describe the technology they use to be more productive and efficient. Today, only 32% of law firms say they are very prepared to use technology to be more productive.

More about these topics: Webinar Wolters Kluwer - Challenges and opportunities for Legal Counsels: facts, figures and your approach

In 2021 Wolters Kluwer conducted two surveys in collaboration with corporate lawyers, aiming for a better understanding of their needs and challenges. Ralph Versweyveld, Managing Director Legal Software, will guide you through the results of the Survey 2021 Future Ready Lawyer, which focuses on the impact of the pandemic and the changing relation between lawyers and corporate lawyers. He will also highlight the most remarkable results from the brand-new digitalization survey by ECLA and Wolters Kluwer called Legal departments on the move. During the second part of this online seminar, Erik Meert, Major and Strategic Account Executive Legal Software, will share the possible digital paths to walk and will demonstrate the solutions to support your department’s digitalization.


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