Getting the Most Out of a Collaboration with a Legal Interim Manager: Key Tips and Insights

Twenty years ago, Vialegis introduced the concept of Legal Interim Management to the Belgian market in response to the increasing demand for temporary legal profiles.

Twenty years ago, Vialegis introduced the concept of Legal Interim Management to the Belgian market in response to the increasing demand for temporary legal profiles.

Nowadays, it has become commonplace for companies to engage Legal Interim Managers for various replacements, projects, and tasks.

Hiring a legal interim manager offers several benefits, including specialized legal expertise, flexibility in terms of time and commitment, cost-effectiveness, industry knowledge, and efficient problem-solving skills.

We've put together some tips based on our in-depth experience to help you to get the maximum output from collaborating with a legal interim manager:

  1. Ensure that you clearly define and communicate your needs and expectations at the start of the project, including objectives, necessary legal technical knowledge, duration, availability, language skills, etc.
  1. Be open-minded when selecting the suitable candidate and don't focus only on legal technical skills. When reviewing potential candidates, it is normal to look for those who have relevant experience in the industry, legal area, or issue you need assistance with. However, keep in mind that there is a shortage of qualified candidates on the job market, so being too picky or rigid in your requirements could limit your pool of potential hires. Consider being open to candidates who may not have a 100% match with the job profile but have the right mindset and willingness to learn and adapt. Finding the right candidate is a balancing act that involves considering both expertise and mindset.
  1. Pay attention to the candidate's communication skills, which are extremely important for a good collaboration.
  1. Provide access to all necessary resources: To ensure that the legal interim manager is able to do their job effectively, make sure to provide them with access to any necessary resources, such as templates, company policies, or other relevant documents.
  1. Schedule regular feedback moments during the project : By doing so, you can address any concerns, discuss progress, and make necessary adjustments while also leveraging the interim manager's expertise to identify areas for improvement in terms of efficiency, processes, and best practices.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll increase the likelihood of a successful collaboration with your legal interim manager. If you are short on time and want to limit the risk of a mismatch, consider using a specialized recruitment agency that has experience in placing legal interim managers. They can help you find the best available candidate with the right skills and experience for your project in no time.

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