The Belgian
Médiation : un
New Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and guidelines: what’s changing for distribution relationships?
Government aims to extend investigation and assessment periods
The reintegration procedure 2.0 and new rules for the termination of an employment contract due to medical force majeure
Mécanisme de filtrage pour les investissements étrangers directs (« IDE »)
L'impact de l’augmentation des prix due à la crise économique actuelle sur la pratique des marchés publics
A practical look at the Legal department’s favourite legal tech applications
Nouvelle revue le « Journal des modes alternatifs » – Découvrez l’interview d’Anne-Marie Boudart et de Carine Vander Stock
The danger of prohibited lease of personnel in case of secondment to Belgium
Important change in dismissal law as from 2023: Saturday no longer considered a working day
The European Commission updates rules for cooperation between competitors
The new impact of the Brussels I regulation on arbitrators: analysis of the latest ruling of the European Court of Justice
La garantie légale dans les ventes aux consommateurs
The competent jurisdiction for international workers: how to find the place where the employee habitually works.
Un droit à un autre poste pour les personnes handicapées?