Looking back at the online session on legal services during the Brussels school of AI programme – june 11, 2021

Together with Prof. Lewkowicz (ULB) , Prof. Roquilly (EDHEC Business School) and Mr. Heirman (Ashurst), Julie Dutordoir, IBJ General Manager, was delighted to explain the impact of AI on legal services to the students of this fascinating programme.

Prof. Lewkowicz (ULB) addressed the “online publication of machine-readable court records in Europe and Belgium: challenges and the way(s) forward”. Prof. Roquilly (EDHEC Business School) talked the students through “Tech and a VUCA Environment: crucial challenges for Legal Services and Legal Professions” and Mr. Heirman (Ashurst) discussed AI’s potential for “alternative dispute resolution”-mechanisms.

Julie Dutordoir explained AI’s importance from the company lawyer’s perspective. She discussed how AI impacts the various practices of law that the company lawyer works with and how the company lawyer can play a role in this. Julie discussed AI’s (potential) impact on the company lawyer’s way of working, and the mindset changes required to enjoy AI’s benefits next to our high added-value tasks as company lawyers.

Company lawyers should embrace the efficiency that AI tools offer and the IBJ aims to guide company lawyers in this ‘journey’.

It was extremely helpful to be part of these developments in the context of the Brussels School of AI’s Law & AI Programme.

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